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Food & Drink

Madeira Wine

Imagine yourself time traveling July 4, 1776, to Independence Hall, in Pennsylvania. The Second Continental Congress ends with the signing of the United States’...

Portuguese Wine Guide: Vinho Verde

When the weather starts to get warmer you may want to enjoy a lighter drink, and straight from Portugal comes the perfect option: ‘Vinho...

Portuguese Wine

Wine has been produced in the Iberian Peninsula for a myriad of centuries, grapevine having been originally cultivated four thousand years ago by the...

Portuguese Beer

From a mythological point of view, the Lusitanians, which inhabited the Iberian Peninsula hundreds of years before the Kingdom of Portugal was ever born,...

Portuguese Cuisine

Portuguese cuisine, while long-lived and rich in flavor, also presents a degree of complexity, mixing both Atlantic and Mediterranean influences.As such, its traditional ingredients...
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