Warm temperatures and no rain in October

Written By Manuel Poças

During the first half of October, Portugal will have temperatures way above what was initially expected. This weekend, temperatures are expected to reach 37 degrees.

Temperatures above normal and lack of rain are expected to continue during the first half of the next month. The Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere reported that the average temperature will increase between 1, and 1.5 degrees.

Considering that the average temperature during October last year was 18.8, this year it will be 19, or even 20 degrees Celsius. During the last three years, the temperature of the air in October did not stop increasing. According to climatologists, this constant rise, in the middle of autumn, is a sign of climate change.

Luckily the temperature will decrease in the second half of the month. According to the same report, it will be around 0.5 degrees below the average. If this happens, the probability of next month being the hottest month of October ever can be minimized.

Experts say that this rise in temperatures is a clear sign of climate change. The truth is that during the last decades, we have been witnessing a constant increase in temperature, and a drastic decrease in snow and frost within Europe. They say we’re witnessing situations that they thought they would only see in 2040.

Part of the reason for this increase in temperature during the month of October, when compared to the previous years’ average temperature for the month, is the extension of the warmer periods.

The days with the highest temperatures have been more each year. In 2020, temperatures hit 20º Celsius in the middle of December. Because of this increase in the days, the atmosphere is becoming hotter.

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